Do you need a private space but are afraid of the costs of constructing a room addition? If so, we beg you to reconsider. Your space doesn’t necessarily need to be large to meet your needs. We can help you keep your remodeling project at or under budget while still having a space that meets your needs.
The Home Office
Did you know that you can only claim a home office deduction for up to 300 square feet? This is about the size of the average living room. If your room addition is to give you a dedicated home office space, you should keep in mind that you won’t get any more of a deduction for a space larger than 300 square feet.
That’s a small and inexpensive room addition that can be customized to your needs with built-in shelving and filing.
Homeschooling Room
Children are creatures of habit, and most of them thrive best when they have stability and structure. For this reason, some children will excel more in virtual schooling if it occurs in a different environment from their usual home life. A homeschooling room gives you the ability to allow your children a clear distinction between school and home life, even though they are both in the same location.
If you want to make the most of your room addition, choose a 600 square foot space that you can divide into work stations for you and your children, keeping everyone together and on track.
Private Room
Call it a den, call it a study, call it what you will—this room is for privacy and time alone. Traditionally a room for men, women, too, can appreciate having private quiet time. If you don’t have a lot of money for your room addition, add just one private room that you and your spouse can share (separately of course). Having time apart each day can help keep everyone sane and civil.
Toddler Bedroom
Sometimes in dealing with our own struggles, we fail to see how these adult matters can affect children. If you have several children that have been sharing rooms, spending time together day and night during the pandemic has probably led to a lot of fights and high running tensions. The best way to address these problems is to separate them as much as possible. If you have a toddler, you can easily get them into their own room with a very small room addition. Just make sure it is still big enough to continue using after graduating to a twin bed.
Need ideas to separate your family?
If you have a limited budget but desperately need to separate your household more to keep everyone from getting cabin fever, we can help you figure out the best way to use a room addition to your advantage. Contact us today for more information.