Our client’s choice in hurricane shutters for Hurricane Preparedness is Fenetex Hurricane Screens. Fenetex hurricane screens protect your home from the effects of hurricane force wind, yet, they can also protect your home from insects and the harsh sun. As a result, people in the Tampa Bay area are purchasing fabric based hurricane screens instead of metal hurricane shutters. All Phase Building Concepts provides top-quality products that are important to us and our clients.
Above all, because Hurricane season is always upon us, Hurricane preparedness and protection should be on top of people’s minds in Florida. With temperatures rising early this year, the waters warm up quicker and promotes storm growth. Prepare now before there is a storm on its way. We can help you with Impact windows, Hurricane protection and whole house backup Generac Generators. CBC1258446
Why are people buying these screens for Hurricane Preparedness as their preferred hurricane protection product? There are many products out in the world to choose from and claim to be the best for Hurricane Preparedness. We choose to use Fenetex Hurricane Screens and this is our reasons why:
Fenetex Hurricane screens are made from the same material as bullet-proof vests and as a result, are stronger than steel. The Hurricane Screens are not only impenetrable in winds up to 200mph, they also double as shade screens to protect from the sun’s harsh rays. Come rain or shine, these screens provide year-round protection